
Agarwood Unihorn

A desire to “diffuse the scent of Agarwood everywhere” so as to “expand the legacy of Agarwood”.

The agarwood is of high value with numerous miraculous used that cover the following categories:

1. Religious culture: According to the earliest historical records, Shakyamuni Buddha was invited to travel to and from various Tianzhu (Indian) countries to spread Buddhist teachings. The ceremonies and the ceremonial hall which welcomed him was scented with“都贝” (in Sanskrit it refers to agarwood, sassafras and other precious natural medicines); Agarwood was used by the Egyptians as one of the precious materials to create mummies; According to legend, the sesame oil used by Jesus to perform miracles contained agarwood. Even after his death, a large amount of agarwood oil was coated on him before his resurrection.

2. Medicinal value: Traditional Indian, Chinese, Tibetan, Southeast Asian medicine, as well as Islamic medicine etc. habitually include agarwood as part of their ingredients. According to traditional Chinese medicine, agarwood can be used to ward off evil, calm convulsions, generate qi, treat heart problems and gastric pain, and even fight cancer. Taoist medicine has the “Agarwood Longevity Pills”. The Japanese heart tonic kyushin and almost all medicines used in emergencies in Vietnam contain agarwood.

3. Aromatherapy: The scents from plants have been proven to regulate human psychology and physiology, stimulate endocrine, improve immunity, and achieve therapeutic and health effects. Countries such as Great Britain and the United States etc. even have “floral hospitals”, where vascular disease, hypertension, bronchitis, asthma, neurasthenia and other diseases are treated. Agarwood has an outstanding effect for this purpose.

4. Fragrance and elegance: Since ancient times, incense has been habitually used by the Chinese. A stick of fragrance, the tuning and plucking of the zither strings; both served to refresh and boost the atmosphere; the Chinese indulged in painting and calligraphy amidst tea-tasting and the fragrance of incense; the Literati created accessories and amulets out of agarwood. Agarwood was anointed on collections of paintings to prevent worms, and the beads worn by officials were also made of fine agarwood.

惟愿“沉香处处闻”, 致使“沉香万里传”

沉香 (Agarwood) 被誉为万香之首, 由此可证明其珍稀尊贵的地位. 纵观中国数千载的历史长河, 它在传统文化发展方面一直扮演重要的角色. 由于品类多元,性质繁复, 而且产地分布在不同区域, 自古以来沉香都带有神秘色彩, 因此要予以专业鉴别, 无疑是一门深奥的大学问.

由于天然沉香木与加工沉香木的价格差异极大, 若无法正确鉴别而花费高价来购入加工沉香木, 这将导致损失惨重, 因为加工沉香木并没有任何收藏价值!

本学院肩负着传承沉香文化的使命, 矢志教育广大的沉香木爱好者与收藏家, 同时不遗余力推动沉香的普及化进程, 使一般人对它有正确的认知. 有鉴于此, 本学院认为目前正是为这行业尽一些心力的时候, 提供沉香木的专业鉴定服务, 除了具备经验丰富的工作团队, 也以严谨的科技举措来提升沉香鉴别的精准度, 增强沉香爱好者/收藏家的信心与保障, 从而化解对其质量的担忧, 杜绝伪劣, 倍感安心.

新加坡的地理位置优越, 海陆空交通便利, 加上其他多方面的优势, 包括举世闻名的高效港口与金融服务, 透明健全的法律体制, 蓬勃兴旺的商业市场等, 因此这座国际大都会是理想首选地—作为交易枢纽, 贯通东南亚多个沉香出产国.

新加坡沉香学院 (Singapore Agarwood Institute) 立足狮城,放眼全球, 在团队同仁的齐心协力下, 誓要落实“沉香处处闻”的宏愿, 更不负“沉香万里传”的使命!