Teamwork 团队力量

Agarwood Shaped Like A Swan
Anthony Ng

Mr Anthony Ng - Dean

黄健铵先生 – 院长

1980年开始接触沉香, 当时他在叔叔黄世强医师于1974年创办的永安堂药房及诊所里服务, 学习沉香的采购业务, 逐渐对它萌生浓厚兴趣. 历经两年的认真学习, 加上经手业务的实践经验, 他于1982年被委以重任, 全权负责沉香的买卖交易.

1987年于新加坡成立嘉威沉香贸易有限公司, 营运沉香批发生意. 从国外进口货源到驻新加坡的货仓, 经过精挑细选的作业, 再出口至多个中东国家, 以及台湾、香港、日本等地.

1990年参加由印尼林业局举办的专业训练课程, 考获该课程颁发的沉香质量鉴控专业证书.

1997年拓展业务, 以嘉威控股私人有限公司之名接手经营. 该公司茁壮成长, 迅速跃升为本区域数一数二的沉香贸易公司, 与全球多个国家的企业结为贸易伙伴, 紧密合作.

2016年, 新加坡沉香学院正式成立. 该学院的成立宗旨, 承载着他毕生的梦想—矢志奉献自身奋斗数十载所积攒的宝贵行业经验, 无私分享, 让更多的沉香爱好者/收藏家从中获益, 使历来充满神秘色彩的沉香专业知识传承下去, 其独有的传统价值也能永续造福社稷人群.

积极培育继任的新生代领导班子, 将自己所学所知倾囊相授, 承先启后, 下一代继续肩负发扬沉香文化的使命.


Mr Anthony Ng – Dean

Mr Anthony Ng first came into contact with agarwood in 1980 while working at a family-run business where he learned about agarwood procurement, gradually developing a keen interest in the subject. After two years of apprenticeship with practical experience in handling the business, he was authorized with the sole responsibility of purchasing agarwood in 1982.

In 1987, Kawi Agarwood Trading Pte Ltd, an agarwood wholesale company, was established in Singapore. Imported goods arriving at Singapore’s warehouses undergo careful selection before being exported to a number of countries in the Middle East, as well as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan etc.

In 1990, he participated in a professional training course organized by the Indonesia Forestry Department and obtained the Certificate of Specialist Agarwood Quality Control.

He expanded the business in 1997 and took over company operations under the name Kawiseraya Corporation Pte Ltd. The company thrived and rose rapidly to become one of the most renowned agarwood trading companies in the region, working closely with companies from many countries around the world.

In 2016, the Singapore Agarwood Institute was established. His life-long dream is borne within the founding purpose of the establishment — The valuable experience he accumulated over the span of the past few decades was selflessly dedicated to the industry, allowing more agarwood hobbyists/collectors to benefit and passing down the mysteries shrouding knowledge of agarwood so that its unique traditional value may continue to benefit the community.

Willing to empty his pockets to pass down his knowledge to the next generation, his active nurturing of the successive generation of leaders enabled them to continue shouldering the mission of promoting the culture of agarwood.

He is currently a senior consultant at the Singapore Agarwood Association.

Ng King Ching

Mr Ng King Ching – Deputy Dean
Research and Development Department
黄敬清先生 – 副院长(研发部)

He started interacting with agarwood in 1986. After many years of diligent learning, he has become especially adept at identifying the quality of agarwood.

In 1992, he became the head of procurement/grading at Kawiseraya Corporation Pte Ltd for the South East Asian agarwood market, researching and gathering sources of high quality agarwood for the company. His well-seasoned skills have led to remarkable achievements in the field.

自1986年开始接触沉香, 经过多年勤奋学习, 尤其擅长沉香品质的专业鉴别.

1992年成为嘉威集团在东南亚沉香市场的采购/评级负责人, 为该集团搜集优质的沉香货源, 千锤百炼, 成绩斐然.

Bobby Teng

Mr Bobby Teng – Deputy Dean
Public Relations and Operations Department
丁志勇先生 – 副院长 (公关与营运部)

He has held senior positions in the financial, timber, petroleum and other related industries over the span of his career of over 20 years.

In 2003, he was appointed as the market development consultant of Kawiseraya Corporation Pte Ltd. Since then, he has been involved in the agarwood industry and has accumulated rich practical experiences.

在20多年的职业生涯里, 曾投身金融、木材、石油等行业领域担任要职。

2003年受委为嘉威集团的市场开拓顾问, 从此涉入沉香的世界, 积累了丰富的实战工作经验.