
Agarwood Shaped Like T-Rex

The Value & Miraculous Effects Of Agarwood

The agarwood is of high value with numerous miraculous used that cover the following categories:

1. Religious culture: According to the earliest historical records, Shakyamuni Buddha was invited to travel to and from various Tianzhu (Indian) countries to spread Buddhist teachings. The ceremonies and the ceremonial hall which welcomed him was scented with“都贝” (in Sanskrit it refers to agarwood, sassafras and other precious natural medicines); Agarwood was used by the Egyptians as one of the precious materials to create mummies; According to legend, the sesame oil used by Jesus to perform miracles contained agarwood. Even after his death, a large amount of agarwood oil was coated on him before his resurrection.

2. Medicinal value: Traditional Indian, Chinese, Tibetan, Southeast Asian medicine, as well as Islamic medicine etc. habitually include agarwood as part of their ingredients. According to traditional Chinese medicine, agarwood can be used to ward off evil, calm convulsions, generate qi, treat heart problems and gastric pain, and even fight cancer. Taoist medicine has the “Agarwood Longevity Pills”. The Japanese heart tonic kyushin and almost all medicines used in emergencies in Vietnam contain agarwood.

3. Aromatherapy: The scents from plants have been proven to regulate human psychology and physiology, stimulate endocrine, improve immunity, and achieve therapeutic and health effects. Countries such as Great Britain and the United States etc. even have “floral hospitals”, where vascular disease, hypertension, bronchitis, asthma, neurasthenia and other diseases are treated. Agarwood has an outstanding effect for this purpose.

4. Fragrance and elegance: Since ancient times, incense has been habitually used by the Chinese. A stick of fragrance, the tuning and plucking of the zither strings; both served to refresh and boost the atmosphere; the Chinese indulged in painting and calligraphy amidst tea-tasting and the fragrance of incense; the Literati created accessories and amulets out of agarwood. Agarwood was anointed on collections of paintings to prevent worms, and the beads worn by officials were also made of fine agarwood.


沉香价值奇高, 妙用无穷, 涵盖以下多个范畴:

1. 信仰文化: 根据最早的历史记载, 释迦牟尼佛受邀往返天竺各国弘法, 恭迎他的仪式及道场中就有“都贝”(梵文, 指沉香、旃檀及其他珍贵天然药物香料; 古埃及人以沉香为珍贵材料之一来制作木乃伊; 相传耶稣行神迹时所用的香油即含有沉香成分, 甚至死后也被涂上大量沉香油, 而后复活.

2. 药用价值:印度传统医学、中医、藏医、东南亚传统医学及回教等都有以沉香入药的习惯. 根据中医,沉香可用于辟邪,定惊、行气、治疗心脏、 心腹痛等, 甚至抗癌. 道家养生有“沉香永寿丸”, 日本汉方心脏成药及越南几近所有急救药品都必含沉香.

3. 芳香疗法:植物的气味经证明可调节人的心理, 生理机能, 刺激内分泌, 提高免疫功能, 达到治病和保健的效果; 英美日等国甚至有“花香医院”, 主要治疗血管病、高血压、气管炎、哮喘、神经衰弱等. 沉香在这方面功效卓著.

4. 用香雅俗:中国古人用香成风习, 清香一炷, 调弦抚琴, 提神助兴; 书画会友, 品茗论道, 无香不聚; 文人雅士将沉香做成雕件把玩或制成平安件佩带身上, 收藏的字画以沉香防虫, 官员身上的朝珠亦以上好的沉香制成. 四艺为品香、点茶、挂画、插花, 在沉、檀、龙、麝这四种香品中, 沉香居冠, 最为名贵.