Agarwood Shaped Like A One Horn Animal

The Difference Between Natural Agarwood & Processed Agarwood

Formation of Agarwood

Agarwood is formed when the agarwood tree is wounded by natural factors such as lightning strikes, strong winds, pests and disease infestations. These factors resulted in broken branches and wounds to the tree, and the tree would secrete resin to heal the wounds. After decades and hundreds of years, the tree trunk or branches that are covered with the resin would evolve into agarwood.




当沉香树遭受到自然环境灾害 — 如闪电袭击、飓风、害虫或病毒侵袭, 将导致树身受损, 因而分泌树脂以掩护受损伤部位, 经数十至数百年后, 这些被树脂掩盖的受损沉香树部位, 将形成沉香木.

Natural Agarwood

Natural Agarwood 天然沉香木

Processed Agarwood

A) Pressure Impregnation Method 压缩注入沉香膏方法

Purpose: Inject Agarwood Resin into a lower grade agarwood at high pressure. This will greatly enhance its scent and also increase the weight of the wood. Its ability to sink into the water will fetch a higher price on the market.

目的:将沉香膏 (Agarwood Resin) 以高压注入较低等级的沉香木, 这不但可大大增强它的味道, 也能增加木头的重量, 使它可沉入水里, 以卖取高价.

Vacuum Suction Agarwood

B) Vacuum Suction Method 真空吸力方法

Purpose: Reduce the size of the wood to achieve the effect of high-density fiber. This allows the wood to then sink into the water and achieve a shape that emits natural beauty.

To most laymen, the visual and olfactory features of processed agarwood seem to be of superior quality, making it difficult to distinguish the authenticity of the agarwood. After all, agarwood processors will definitely spare no effort in processing the color, scent, weight and shape of the agarwood to resemble that of authentic superior ones, even going to the extent of falsely reporting on the origin to attract buyers for profits.

目的:将木头缩小, 从而达到高密度纤维的效果, 而且可以沉入水中, 形状也散发天然般的美感.

在大多数外行人的眼里, 加工沉香木从视觉及嗅觉上都像是上乘品质, 真假难辨. 毕竟加工者在其颜色, 味道, 重量和形状等方面都会下足功夫去炮制, 甚至虚报出产地, 以吸引买家, 牟取暴利.

Agarwood Beads

The Agarwood Beads are one of the most popular agarwood derivative products well liked by its hobbyists & collectors. The prices of a higher quality beads bracelet could be ranging from Tens to a few hundred thousands United States Dollars. In view of the high prices, the beads that are made with processed agarwood have flooded the market. One with limited knowledge of agarwood would suffer huge losses by paying high prices for processed agarwood beads.

The following images include beads made with natural and processed agarwood for reference.


佛珠是目前市场上广受沉香爱好者和收藏家青睐的沉香产品之一, 一串上 好等级的珠子, 价格高达数万至数十万美元, 这气候促使大量仿冒品充斥 市场, 若非熟悉沉香的级别特征, 而冒然进场购买, 损失非同小可.

以下图片分别为一串以天然沉香木及两串加工沉香木制成的珠子, 与大家 分享和参考.

Natural Argarwood Beads

1) Natural Agarwood


Agarwood Pressure Impregnation Method

2) Pressure Impregnation Method


Agarwood Vacuum Suction Method

3) Vacuum Suction Method
